Indisputable Truth - Passover Edition - 5 Count
No matter a Jew’s religious level, the Passover Seder is considered to be one of the most important nights of the year. In fact, the Jewish people have been practicing this holiday for over 3,300 years. The seder night has been so tightly kept by all Jews because it is the special time of the year that parents and grandparents get the opportunity to pass over the fundamental and critical points of the Jewish tradition to the next generation of Jews.
Prior to around 200 years ago when the Enlightenment movement in Europe had just begun, the entire Jewish people, for the most part, believed without a doubt that the Jews were once slaves in Egypt, that G-d took them out in a miraculous fashion, and that He eventually brought them to Mt. Sinai where He publicly gave them the Torah. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the Jewish people today (ever since the start of the Enlightenment) became brainwashed by their surroundings and began to start speculating about their own heritage that their ancestors fought hard to pass down. Many of the people who even celebrate the Passover Seder on a yearly basis think that all these events are just interesting stories that were made up many years ago by a bunch of Rabbis and mock this whole idea of G-d running the world.
Additionally, many of the Jews who do actually believe in the divinity of the Torah are challenged and made fun of by their non-religious relatives by the seder regarding whether these events actually occurred. Most of the time, they unfortunately don’t know how to properly answer these challenges, which could then lead them to start questioning their own beliefs and eventually weaken their faith in the Torah. For this reason, we decided to put together this short pamphlet to prove that events like the Exodus of Egypt and the Revelation at Mt. Sinai are not some fairy-tails; rather, they are legitimate events that actually occurred.
With all that being said, since we have a 3,300 year old unbroken chain handed down from generation to generation, the Jewish people shouldn’t need any further proof from historians or archeological discoveries to verify that these events actually occurred. Nevertheless, we still felt that it was necessary to put this pamphlet together due to the fact that in this generation, we are more than ever before constantly bombarded with heresy right and left that attempt to challenge our beliefs, whether through college courses, social media, books, videos, the internet, etc.
With the help of Hashem (G-d), whoever reads this pamphlet (based on the best selling Kiruv book called The Indisputabe Truth) will come to the seder prepared and ready to give over these proofs to their families and will hopefully be able to answer any question thrown at them with regards to the truth of the Torah. This will have a massive ripple effect to not only strengthen their own belief in the Torah, but also to bring everyone around them closer to Hashem and the truth of His Torah.